Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Being left behind already!

Memories of being back at school come flooding back to me while doing this course. The good and the bad memories both equally present this week. I remember watching as people got inspired and rushed ahead in their chosen direction be it university, a trade or motherhood. People travel through life at different speeds. Some rush through tasks completing everything before others have drawn their first breath and others plod along and ultimately fall behind.
I am somewhere in the middle and have to fight the sense that this is somehow wrong. So yes some of my colleagues have all the bells and whistles on their blog and some have not written a word. We are all different and it is that uniqueness that makes us special. Otherwise we would be bored with our similarities and end up cloning others rather than being ourselves.

I remember that dauntingly sick feeling of being on a steep learning curve. Like a roller coaster with all of the relevant ups and downs.
Learning is very similar to a roller coaster. It gives you that same rush, the feeling of exhilaration and the sense of accomplishment at the end of the ride. It also gives you that stomach dropping sense of fear that you are not in total control. There are outside influences we have no control over that ultimately dictate our end result. Be they time restraints, work load, peer support or technology they all play a role.
Just like a roller coaster too though learning is supposed to be fun. something we do throughout our lives to make us feel alive.
Hope we are all feeling alive while we learn

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I have really enjoyed getting to know aspects of peoples personalities from their blogs. This is an unexpected bonus from the program. Your reflections on groups and learning are really interesting.I was very conscious of the competitive aspect when I was doing it.